Lichen - It’s OK!

“Why are my trees covered in fungus?!”

I get this phone call a ton from concerned customers when they find something on there trees called lichen. It’s actually a compound organism consisting of fungus and algae in a symbiotic state. Lichen is COMPLETELY HARMLESS but they seem to worry folks so let’s address some common questions:

Is lichen harmful to trees?

No! It’s not eating or hurting the tree, lichen is sulf-sustaining. It’s just harmlessly living there on the bark.

Should I remove lichen from trees?

No! You’ll damage the tree for no reason.

Why is lichen on my trees?

It’s a great place for lichen to collect sunlight, rainwater and materials from the air which it feeds on.

Does it mean my tree is rotting or dying?

No! Lichen shows up on trees of all sorts, healthy or unhealthy. They are actually an indicator of good air quality since they don’t survive in poor conditions.

So what do I do?

Nothing! Relax. Let nature be nature. Maybe take a photo, I think they’re kinda beautiful.


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