Arborvitae Leafminer & Bagworm
Arborvitae, Juniper, and other members of the Cypress family are a popular planting for Long Island homes as ornamental trees or hedges. June is a critical month in the lifecycle of several pests that are common to these evergreens.
For effective organic control against Arborvitae Leafminer and Bagworm, proper timing is essential - call today about treatment.
Do you notice any of these tell-tale feeding damage patterns on your trees?
Arborvitae leafminer damage
Bagworm damage on Arborvitae
Deer feeding damage on Arborvitae
Arborvitae Leafminer
Argyresthia thuiella
While Arborvitae Leafminer infestation is rare in natural settings, their presence is commonly observed in the specimen trees planted in our yards. Leafminers cause foliar damage year after year, taxing the health of and eventually killing their host tree.
Arborvitae leafminer feeding damage
Leafminer larvae destroy needles from the inside out, feeding on them until they emerge as adults (small, white moths).
Arborvitae leafminer larvae feeding
Arborvitae leafminer adult moth
Plants need those healthy needles to collect energy and in many cases, provide privacy for your home.
For the most effective organic treatment, proper timing is everything.*
Adult leafminers emerge and are vulnerable to spray applications for only a brief window during the summer before they lay eggs.
Protect your trees from this invasive pest with our proven organic solution.
Contact us today to sign up for Organic Arborvitae Leafminer Control.
*We are keeping a careful watch for the emergence of the arborvitae leafminer adult on Long Island this season. We are expecting them mid-June. Check for yourself!
Bagworm cocoons
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis
found on these plants and more:
This insect forms a "bag" around itself while defoliating your arborvitae hedge and others. These bags look similar to small pinecones but if you look closely, they are wiggling as they feed. You may even see the worms pop their heads out to eat.
Bagworm feeding
Check your plants for these cocoons!
Bagworm infestations are heavy this year, with bags spreading to nearby plants that are not commonly host to the pests.
Our bagworm treatments can help save your trees from this dangerous pest. Protect your trees, bagworm spreads quickly.
Contact us today to sign up for Organic Bagworm Control.
Keep Your Trees Healthy
If your plants are suffering from an infestation or have been damaged by feeding in the past then they are likely in a stressed state, inviting more opportunistic pests and diseases.
The best treatment to restore a healthy state is our Organic Compost Tea Fertilization. This replenishes weakened plants' vitality while conditioning the soil for healthy, sustainable new growth.
Email or call today to schedule an estimate.