Organic Winter Plant Protection

Winter damage can be a serious problem for evergreen plants, especially in windy areas. Damage will usually appear as wilting, browning or bleaching on the leaves and can be a serious stress on the health of your plant.

Protect your plants from winter burn, add our winter plant protection program today.

Prepare your plants for the cold.

  Whether it be transplant shock, drought stress, or just pest/fungal damage, some plants enter winter in a weakened state. Since the soil is a plant's food source, when the ground freezes stress is compounded. New plantings are especially vulnerable.

 The most common form of winter damage is "winter burn" which results from warm sun and wind causing excessive transpiration or loss of water in foliage. Since the roots are in frozen soil during the winter they are not able to replace the lost water. Browning of the leaves will result. Some plants even appear to be dead months after winter.

 To maintain proper transpiration levels for stressed, weakened, or damaged plants, our organic winter plant protection program is recommended.

Winter burn can appear as wilting.

This year we observed a very high amount of winter burn damage.

These plants seem to be especially vulnerable:

  • Skip laurel

  • Cherry laurel

  • Holly

  • Rhododendron

  • Azalea

  • Andromeda

  • Leucothoe

  • Skimmia

  • Boxwood

  • Leyland cypress

  • Yews

  • Arborvitae

  • various needle evergreens (pines, junipers, cypress)

Our anti-desiccant spray can help protect your exposed ornamental evergreens by reducing transpiration up to 80%. When plants are relying on stored moisture all winter, it is important to help them retain as much as possible for healthy growth next spring.

Multiple applications may be needed depending on location and conditions. We recommend at least 2 but more may be needed based on winter conditions. The first application is recommended in November so don’t hesitate.

We are organic plant care experts dedicated to a safer planet without the use of toxic chemical products.

Email or call (631)766-1889 today
to schedule your free consultation or to add your Winter Plant Protection program.


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